Schools & Communities
This workshop can be taught in twelve 50-minute
Participants will learn:
• 24 Character Strengths: Coaching Self/Others
• Happiness: The Formula
• Neuroscience of Optimism: STRONG Thoughts©
• Whole Person Coaching: Whole Life Scale©
• Comparanoia
• Perfectionism and Reframing Failure
• Self-Compassion: Building Resilience
• Authentic Motivation Grid©/STRONG Goals©
• Character Strengths Fuel Emotional Intelligence
• Team Building/Communication: The Smart Swarm
• Strengths Flow©: 3R’s© Positive Practice
• Ride the Wave: Student Success Strategies
Colleges & Universities
This workshop can be taught in twelve 50-minute
Participants will learn:
• 24 Character Strengths: Coaching Self/Others
• Happiness: The Formula
• Neuroscience of Optimism: STRONG Thoughts©
• Whole Person Coaching: Whole Life Scale©
• Comparanoia
• Perfectionism and Reframing Failure
• Self-Compassion: Building Resilience
• Authentic Motivation Grid©/STRONG Goals©
• Character Strengths Fuel Emotional Intelligence
• Team Building/Communication: The Smart Swarm
• Strengths Flow©: 3R’s© Positive Practice
• Ride the Wave: Success Strategies

“Authentic Strengths has been a game changer in assisting our youth in building resilience–using positive psychology tools to deal with stress. In an era of tremendous pressure and feelings of anxiousness, we trained counselors, nurses, and health teachers in Authentic Strengths. The tools and training has built capacity within the staff and truly increased the confidence of both staff and students grades K-12 to leverage their character strengths to flourish!”
Ember Conley, EdD, Superintendent, Park City School District
I am grateful for Fatima’s willingness to use her talents, experience, and knowledge to bring the Authentic Strengths tools to the world. Truly a gift to us all!
Authentic Strengthshas provided many resources and positive tools to motivate students in their class work and interactions. What a boost in character development and individual strengths! My students always had a smile leaving the health room after focusing on their strengths!
Thank you, Fatima Doman, you have sparked life-changing positive changes in the lives of our families at risk!” We want to influence children and families to become solution-focused. The best way to begin is to help people know themselves and build on their own authentic character strengths.